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Proof of Catching a Fish (Доказательство Ловли Рыбы)

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Доказательство Ловли Рыбы
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Доказательство Ловли Рыбы

  • Сертификат рыбака. Соберите их и принесите члену Гильдии Рыбаков, чтобы изучить умение, расширяющее доступное место.

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • A fishing certificate. If you collect it and take it to a member of the Fishermen's Guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

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Доказательство Ловли Рыбы
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Доказательство Ловли Рыбы

  • Сертификат рыбака. Соберите их и принесите члену Гильдии Рыбаков, чтобы изучить умение, расширяющее доступное место.

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • A fishing certificate. If you collect it and take it to a member of the Fishermen's Guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

  • . .

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Тип:Квестовый предмет

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • A fishing certificate. If you collect it and take it to a member of the Fishermen's Guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

lineage 2Proof of Catching a Fish la2
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • A fishing certificate. If you collect it and take it to a member of the Fishermen's Guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

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Тип:Квестовый предмет

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • A fishing certificate. If you collect it and take it to a member of the Fishermen's Guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

Proof of Catching a Fish 
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • A fishing certificate. If you collect it and take it to a member of the Fishermen's Guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

Proof of Catching a Fish 
Тип:Квестовый предмет

Proof of Catching a Fish

  • Certificate of a fisherman. If you collect it and take them to a member of the fisherman's guild, you can learn a skill that is related to expanding a slot.

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